Monday, October 20, 2008

Fall Update

I figured it was time for an update so here it is.

Erik and I have been trucking along about the same. We had our second IUI cycle and it was completed on October 10th. Unfortunately, this cycle was also unsuccessful. At this point our doctor, Dr. Kahn with Shady Grove Fertility, feels that it would be best to move on to a more aggressive approach with IVF with ICSI. This program is definitely more invasive but, it will up our chances from 30% to about 65%. We are very excited and as long as the calendar will allow it, due to the holiday's, we will start in November. This process will take two months, more drugs and doctors appointments, so be fair warned, that if you see me after the drugs have started I may be a little meaner than usual.

Other news with us is pretty normal. I just returned from a business trip to Nashville and will be headed to Santa Fe in November. Erik is still being kept very busy at Hidden Lane which is definitely good news. We are planning a short vacation to see our friends Danielle and Scott in Knoxville over Halloween weekend but other than that are lives are fairly calm at the moment.

Hoping everyone is having a nice fall and enjoying the change in seasons and weather. I will keep you posted on our fertility journey and appreciate all the prayer and support we have received so far.