Tuesday, January 26, 2010


Well, I know that is has been forever since we have updated but here it is. Parker came home on December 21st just in time for Christmas. It was wonderful. Erik's parents were able to come over from West Virginia and spend the holiday with us. After Christmas, Uncle Tim and Aunt Kate stopped by to meet Parker as well before they left to go back to Turkey. We really enjoyed having all of them come.

We have been to see Parker's pediatrician and ophthalmologist a few times so far. The eye surgery for his ROP that took place right before he left the hospital went really well. His eyes are healing great and now we will continue to just follow his eyes with the ophthalmologist. The pediatrician is perfect. He seems to know preemies really well and is working out great for us. Erik and I really like all of the doctors that Parker has had so far. The major thing we have to get used to is adjusting Parker's age. With premature babies, they take Parker's actual age and calculate what they call an adjusted age to use as a guide for his development. For Parker, he is actually almost 5 months old, however, for medical and developmental purposes, his adjusted age is 1 month old. To calculate Parker's adjusted age, they take his actual age and subtract the number of weeks he was born early, which would be 15 weeks and 2 days.

For a couple of weeks Erik and I were just able to be alone and spend some time with Parker which was wonderful. We then took him on his first trip to the ski house which went really well. He tolerated the car ride very well and seemed to transition just fine.

On Martin Luther King weekend my parents were able to come up and see their grand baby too. We had a wonderful time. We went out a couple of times, took Parker and Erik to Fort Belvoir and just hung around. It was a wonderful weekend.

Since Parker came home Erik and I have been adjusting to his changing sleeping patterns. Some nights he does wonderfully, others, like last night, not so much. We have been told that in a couple of months, when he is roughly 3 months old, we can start trying to set up a sleep pattern but at this point he is still too young to not pick him up when he needs it.

Our next visitors are Uncle Ben and Aunt Vikki coming this weekend. We can not wait to have them. Then President's day weekend Uncle Scott and Aunt Danielle will come to visit also. Then we are hoping to have Uncle Trent and Aunt Jennifer come sometime in March.

Having Parker home has been a big adjustment but has been amazing. I will post some photos soon. I will try to get back into a regular schedule of updates. Hope everyone is doing well.