Monday, December 15, 2008

Thanksgiving til now!

Well, a lot has been going on since our last post.

First, we celebrated Thanksgiving with my family in Georgia and had a very nice time. I was able to take a few extra days off and also go to South Carolina and visit for a while as well.

Work has been a little crazy for both of us and I think it will stay that way through the new year.

We are counting down to Christmas. Our Christmas this year will be a little wild. The Moden's will be coming to our house in Virginia to celebrate. Plus, my family will be headed up this way for my brother Tim's wedding on Saturday the 27th. Should be a great time.

For the update on IVF....

I finished the first month of medicine (birth control) in November. I then started the next round of medicine. It was one shot and a baby aspirin in the morning and then two more shots in the evening. Because I have been responding to the medicine so well they had to add another shot to help control my response in the evenings as well so that made three. YEAH!

You would have to ask Erik but I think I have responded fairly well emotionally.

I took my last shot of those medicines tonight and will take what they call a Trigger shot tonight as well. Then on Wednesday, I will have my egg retrieval and fertilization. They have to put me to sleep so I am not too excited about that but at least it is close to being complete. The final step is the embryo transfer. This will occur three to five days following my retrieval. After that we just wait. We should know if the treatment worked in early January.

We are very excited and think that being pregnant would be a wonderful way to start the new year.

We appreciate all your prayers and support through all of this. Hope everyone is doing well.

God Bless!


Anonymous said...

That's awesome guys! We'll continue the prayers from TN!

Anonymous said...

I'm thinking of you guys! You must be really excited! How was the retrieval? You're about a month ahead of me. I go at the end of January. -Nicole