Wednesday, November 4, 2009


Well, this was Parker's first Halloween and we were able to dress him up and take off his CPAP for a few minutes for a photo-op. He was splended and looked amazing. Enjoy!

A quick update: Parker is now 1590 grams or roughly 3lbs. 7 ounces. He has been taken off the CPAP and put on a low flow nasal canal and his feeding tube has been moved from his mouth to his nose. Hopefully in the next couple of days they will pull his feeding tube back into his stomach and as long as that goes well they will start timing his feeds instead of having him on a continous feed and they will start introducing a bottle. Cross your fingers.

Hope everyone is well.

Happy Fall!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

He is absolutely BEAUTIFUL!! :) He is starting to look like you Rebecca. How incredibly sweet. So glad to hear he's growing so well!