Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Back to Work!

Well, my maternity leave is now over and I am back at work full time. I have to say, the 3 months of not going into my office really spoiled me and this traffic is now even more annoying then it was before but I have to say that I don't really mind being back. I truly believe that it takes a special woman to be a stay at home mom and I know that I am not cut out for it. I believe that for me, it is quality time with Parker not quantity.

Well this is my second full week back and things seem to be running smoothly. Both my mother and Erik's mom have agreed to help us out for the next 12 weeks with child care by alternating weeks and coming to stay with us to take care of Parker during the day. We are on the second week of this routine and it is working perfectly. We are just so happy to be able to have Parker stay with family for a little longer before we have a stranger take care of him.

Parker has turned out to be an amazingly great baby. He is already going to bed around 10pm and sleeping until around 8am so that has been wonderful. He is a great eater, happy, laughs and smiles all the time and as we watch him, we just know that he will be rolling over on us sometime really soon. His personality is already so developed that it is scary. You can definitely tell when he is giving you the "Don't bother me look" and the "What do you think your doing" look. He also says "I love you", "Your funny" and "Please Don't" with just his facial expressions. He loves bath time TV time, story time and of course MUSIC.

We are having the best time getting to know him more and more each day. We can't wait for everyone to get to meet him and of course, based on my previous pictures, he will definitely be a Mountaineer fan.

God Bless.

1 comment:

Danielle said...

Hey Modens! It is the Harrell's from the NICU (remember Vera?) Anyhow, she got home about a month ago and I was just cleaning out my NICU bag, found you carepage info and followed you over here. Sounds like Parker is doing great. What a champ! Love the pictures. I'm sure you are crazy busy but I'd love to stay in touch when you get a minute.
Rick and Danielle