Friday, May 14, 2010

Growing Boy!

Well, Parker had two appointments this week. One was with his pediatrician. He is now 12 lbs and growing. He is still in the 5th percentile for weight, but "wait for it", he has advance to the 25th percentile for length (who knew). Grow baby, grow.

The doctor wants to hold off for about another month before we introduce solids so that was disappointing because we were so excited to get to start feeding him other stuff besides milk and formula. I probably have about another 2 weeks worth of frozen milk and then we will have to be on formula only (big bummer). I will say that the doctor thinks he is doing great and thriving.

The second appointment was back at the hospital with the Follow Along Clinic. This is in the Rehabilitation department. The did a few tests, with pictures, bells, rings, and people to see how Parker responded. As well as some tummy time and strength tests. According to the doctor, he is doing great. I think that this appointment was more of a benchmark and he will go back in 6 months and they will see how much he has developed since this appointment. The doctor did mention that we should not let Parker watch television, as preemie's have a higher risk of ADHD and television can cause that to develop even more. She said that not allowing television until the age of 2 has shown to reduce the risk of ADHD.

Hope all is well with everyone.

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